LPS consists of grinder pumps, basins, piping, valves and controls creating a method to grind and pressure residential and municipal sewage through small diameter pipe following the contour of topography maintaining a depth below frost levels to a WWTP, or Lift Station, or gravity sewage line. The collection system connects all grinder pump stations to a common force main. These systems are isolated with curb-stops consisting of curb-stops, flushing connections and air release valves.
Featured Products
6932 LPS Replacement
Drop in replacement grinder for Low Pressure Sewer systems.
7008, 7010 Grinder Pumps
1.0 & 2.0 HP, single direction grinder pumps. Uniquely designed for residential or commercial use.
7013 Grinder Pumps
Single direction grinder pumps. 7013 (High Flow).