Featured Products

61 HD Series
3" vertical and 3" & 4" flanged horizontal discharge patented pumps 61hd

6160 Series
0.5 or 1 HP Effluent or dewatering submersible pumps, 1.5”, 2” or 3” NPT vertical discharge

6180 Series
0.5 or 1 HP Effluent or dewatering submersible pumps, 1.5”, 2” or 3” NPT vertical discharge

62 HD Series
Our patented series of heavy-duty pumps with 4" & 6" flanged discharge for moving large amounts of water and solids

6290 Series
0.5, 1, 1.5 or 2 HP Sewage or dewatering submersible pumps, 2” or 3” NPT vertical discharge

64 HD Series
Heavy-duty pumps with 4" high-head and 6" high-flow, flanged discharge

6400 Series
2 or 3 HP Sewage or dewatering submersible pumps, 4” flanged discharge

X6160 Series
Commercial duty effluent pumps for Class I, Division 1, Group C & D locations and Class Zone 1, Groups IIA & IIB Construction

X6180 Series
Commercial duty effluent pumps for Class I, Division 1, Group C & D locations and Class Zone 1, Groups IIA & IIB Construction

X62 HD Series
Heavy-duty pumps for Class I, Division 1, Group C & D and Class Zone 1, Groups IIA & IIB Construction

X6290 Series
Commercial duty sewage pumps for Class I, Division 1, Group C & D locations and Class Zone 1, Groups IIA & IIB Construction

X64 HD Series Sewage Pumps
Sewage pumps with 4" high-head and 6" high-flow, flanged discharge for Class I, Division 1, Group C & D locations

X70 Grinder Series
Explosion-proof grinder pumps cCSAus rated Class I, Division 1, Groups C & D and Class Zone 1, Groups IIA & IIB Construction Tested to FM standards 3600 and 3615 by CSA